What if we could capture Co2 emissions right from a vessel’s exhaust funnel? Seabound has built a novel and cost effective carbon capture device for shipping.
Visit WebsiteThe companies we support share our conviction that technological innovation is the only way that maritime shipping will continue to grow in harmony with the environment, while still maintaining its competitiveness. We’re humbled by their dedication to fundamentally change the industry and ultimately reshape a key part of the global economy.
What if we could capture Co2 emissions right from a vessel’s exhaust funnel? Seabound has built a novel and cost effective carbon capture device for shipping.
Visit WebsiteWhat if we could capture and eliminate methane from thin air? Bennu (formerly known as Blue Dot Change) is developing new technology to reduce climate change through the eradication of methane from the atmosphere.
Visit WebsiteWhat if we could clean a vessel's hull continuously as it sails? Alicia Bots has developed autonomous magnetic crawler robots that reduce biofouling-induced friction, enhancing fuel efficiency and cutting down carbon emissions.
Visit WebsiteWhat if we could offer all aspiring seafarers, fair and level access to the industry? TURTLE enables shipping companies to engage in compliant and diverse sourcing practices, ensuring clean recruitment through a global platform that spans 140+ nationalities and encompasses all genders.
Visit WebsiteWhat if carbon dioxide in exhaust emissions from marine engines could be safely converted into the ocean's own natural salts? Calcarea is leading the way.
Visit WebsiteWhat if we could transport goods in autonomous ships propelled by high altitude winds using kite systems? CargoKite is developing a new ship class to support zero-emission transportation.
Visit WebsiteWhat if we could reduce the margin for navigational error through advanced artificial intelligence? Mythos AI stands at the forefront of autonomous navigation, revolutionising maritime operations with precision, efficiency, and safety.
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